Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ric Art Capsule

I designed a character of an art event held in Kobe.
RIC Art Capsule

My friend designed the logo.

Do you think that the picture improved in four years?

Balance of prototype is very bad :)

It is the movie made four years ago.

The detail is this URL

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Paranoia Agent

I like Paranoia Agent

In addition, I like Mad House and STUDIO4℃.

I want to see this movie next.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's my Rody Exhibition

It's my Rody Exhibition
at Japanese toy stores, Fewmany and Stitch.

Exhibition photograph
The A4 size poster is sold

-Fewmany- October 9th - 15th
-Stitch- October 19th-29th

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Duck Fever Show


Duck Fever Show
06 Oct => 31 Oct

[Participation artists]
Jaime Hayon, Miss Van, Blami, Victor Castillo, Sergio Mora, Lolo, Sosaku, Catalina Estrada, Pancho Tolchinsky, Conti 24 kilates, Montana, Carlos Diez, Rubenimichi, Edbyus, Eliza, Commte D'urgell, Antiheroe, Diva, Subcutanspoon, Tortoy, Vialis, Peru Izate, Iguapop, Rehtnik, Le cool, Politronic, Mariana Chiesa, Hanamaro Chaky, Taka&pep, Neasden Control Centre, Jeremyville, Sune Ehlers, Jon Burgerman, Human Empire, Gorka Mohamed,Splik, Mr Jago, 2Man War, Metal, Outcrowd Collective, Mad Barbarians, Jim Woodring, Paul Mayor, The Beards, Sergi Iba?ez, Uptight 65, Txarly Brown, Trust Nobody, Gori de Palma, HappyPets, Yummy Industries, Loreak Mendian, Game Bombing, dkillerpanda, Maxalot, duoido, dface, Robots will kill, jason siu, serge siedlitz, delphine delas, jujus-delivery, jaume perera, Hobby Mary, boris hoppek, Miss tsz Wan, Devil Robots,TOUMA, etc...